Important County Contact Information

Miami-Dade County

American Red Cross of  Greater Miami & The Keys Chapter, 335 SW 27th Avenue, Miami, FL 33315, (305) 644-1200

Miami-Dade Animal Services Department  (305) 884-1101

Call Sunshine Before You Dig  Dial 811 or 1 (800) 432-4770

Florida Department of Health/ Miami-Dade County Office  (305) 575-3800

Florida Power and Light (FPL)  1(800)-226-3545

Miami-Dade County Office of Emergency Management   (305) 468-5400

Miami-Dade County Emergency Evacuation Assistance  (305) 513-7700

TDD number  (305) 468-5402 (To register if you have special needs)

Miami-Dade County Emergency Management, Flood Mitigation Assistance  (305) 468-5400 and ask for the Mitigation Planner

Miami-Dade County Mosquito Control Division   Dial 311

Miami-Dade Police Department  Sheriff’s Office (305) 476-5423 (non-emergency)

Miami-Dade County Water Utilities Emergency  (305) 274-9272

Pre-Register for Emergency Disabled Transportation Assistance  (786) 469-5000

 Pre-Register for a Special Needs Emergency Shelter Dial 311 or (305) 513-7700

Pre-Register for Pet-friendly Evacuation Center  Dial 311

Image By David Benbennick [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

UUJF logouufbr-green-sanctuary

This website is maintained by the Unitarian Universalist Justice Florida’s Climate Resilience Ministry. It was established by the Green Sanctuary Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton. The community pilot projects, on which the Community Toolkit was based, were undertaken in partnership with Developing Interracial Social Change (DISC) and Habitat for Humanity in  Boca Raton, Florida; and Toussaint L’Ouverture High School for Arts and Social Justice in Delray Beach, Florida. Project Director for that effort was Janice T. Booher, MS. Pilot Project Manager Phase I was Dr. Ana Puszkin-Chevlin. Pilot Project Manager Phase II was Debra Weiss-Randall, Ed. D, CHES.

  • This project is funded in part by the Unitarian Universalist Fund for Social Responsibility.
  • Funding for this project was provided by the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton Endowment Fund.
  • Funding for the project in Shorecrest, Miami with the Community Health Mapping Initiative is provided by the National Library of Medicine/NIH.
  • Development of the ReACT Tool Kit and the Pilot Projects were funded by EPA Environmental Justice Grant #EQ-00D35415-0 awarded to the Green Sanctuary Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton.

Website designed and maintained by Janice T. Booher