Timeline: Weeks 1 – 4

The non-profit organization assesses its institutional and personal history with leadership in local vulnerable communities to determine potential community partners, while simultaneously studying local climate change impacts and the local efforts to address them. An agreement is made with a community partner(s) to cooperate on educating about the public health effects of climate change and to survey the community. Printed copies of the Health and Climate Outreach Template and the Survey Template can be used to help potential community partners understand the project. The Oral History Protocol can be evaluated to decide if oral histories will be done.

You can share this video about Rising Together with prospective partners so they can understand the project: https://vimeo.com/174229028

When partnering with existing leadership in a vulnerable community, you will look for a community partner liaison. Some characteristics and responsibilities of the Community Liaison are described on the next page of the Tool Kit.


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This website is maintained by the Unitarian Universalist Justice Florida’s Climate Resilience Ministry. It was established by the Green Sanctuary Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton. The community pilot projects, on which the Community Toolkit was based, were undertaken in partnership with Developing Interracial Social Change (DISC) and Habitat for Humanity in  Boca Raton, Florida; and Toussaint L’Ouverture High School for Arts and Social Justice in Delray Beach, Florida. Project Director for that effort was Janice T. Booher, MS. Pilot Project Manager Phase I was Dr. Ana Puszkin-Chevlin. Pilot Project Manager Phase II was Debra Weiss-Randall, Ed. D, CHES.

  • This project is funded in part by the Unitarian Universalist Fund for Social Responsibility.
  • Funding for this project was provided by the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton Endowment Fund.
  • Funding for the project in Shorecrest, Miami with the Community Health Mapping Initiative is provided by the National Library of Medicine/NIH.
  • Development of the ReACT Tool Kit and the Pilot Projects were funded by EPA Environmental Justice Grant #EQ-00D35415-0 awarded to the Green Sanctuary Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton.

Website designed and maintained by Janice T. Booher