Rising Together: Sarasota is a climate justice initiative of UU Justice Florida that partners congregations with existing leadership in vulnerable communities to help residents stay safe and healthy as the climate changes, and to build climate resilience by building community.

Sarasota Rising Together Training SessionJune 8, 2017 at 4:00pm: Rising Together: Sarasota will recognize members of the Public Health and Climate Outreach Team and present the results of its community survey at the Newtown Community Bible Church, 1959 Dr. Martin Luther King Way, Sarasota, FL 34234.

January 12, 2017 at 4:30pm: Rising Together Outreach Team Training Session was held on January 12th at the Newtown Community Bible Church, 1959 Dr Martin Luther King Way, Sarasota, FL 34234.

December 15, 2016: A showing of Leonardo DiCaprio’s film Before the Flood was shown at 5pm at the Newtown Community Bible Church, 1959 Dr Martin Luther King Way, Sarasota, FL 34234. 13 attendees signed up to attend the Rising Together Outreach Team Training Session on January 12th.



Unitarian Universalist Church of Sarasota 

The Unitarian Universalist Church of Sarasota is Florida’s largest Unitarian congregation.

Here we affirm and promote reason and the scientific method as the tools in learning to love each other and live in harmony with the earth.

We have no creed, but we do strongly encourage everyone to treat each other with respect. We are affirming and promoting the inherent worth and dignity of every person. We have a strong emphasis on social and climate justice.

PictureOur religious education program helps our children develop their own common sense and logic in evaluating religious claims. We provide a safe place to help children learn and talk about the big issues such as God, Death, and Sexuality.


We are a Welcoming Congregation, celebrating and affirming the active presence here of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and heterosexual members and friends, and their families.

We are a Green Congregation, promoting respect for the interdependent web of all existence.




Community Bible Church in Newtown, Sarasota

The Community Bible Church is a non-demonimational community of faith in the center of Sarasota’s Newtown area. Founded 25 years ago by Wade and Jo Thomas, it is dedicated to bringing the light of salvation through Jesus Christ to it’s members and to anyone in need. “We believe Bible teaching and study is at the heart of our church,” says Pastor Jo Thomas. “With the Bible at the center of our lives, we are then equipped to reach out to impact Newtown and beyond.”

Multiple outreach ministries of the Community Bible Church include:

* Saturday breakfast delivered to the elderly and those unable to provide for themselves.

* A children’s ministry on Saturdays and Sundays, which includes breakfast and a wide range of activities to keep young spirits engaged.

* A clothes closet, which on a monthly basis brings together donors and those in need of clothing.

Through a collaborative with the Sarasota Unitarian Universalist Church, a cadre of trained “climate warriors” has modified the materials about the effects of mold, allergies, severe weather and emergency preparedness created by Dr. Ana Puszkin-Chevlin under an EPA Environmental Justice Grant, to include local information. This is another outreach of the church.

If you would like to know more about the Rising Together project in Sarasota, please fill out the contact form to the right or email dian.ec@hotmail.com

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This website is maintained by the Unitarian Universalist Justice Florida’s Climate Resilience Ministry. It was established by the Green Sanctuary Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton. The community pilot projects, on which the Community Toolkit was based, were undertaken in partnership with Developing Interracial Social Change (DISC) and Habitat for Humanity in  Boca Raton, Florida; and Toussaint L’Ouverture High School for Arts and Social Justice in Delray Beach, Florida. Project Director for that effort was Janice T. Booher, MS. Pilot Project Manager Phase I was Dr. Ana Puszkin-Chevlin. Pilot Project Manager Phase II was Debra Weiss-Randall, Ed. D, CHES.

  • This project is funded in part by the Unitarian Universalist Fund for Social Responsibility.
  • Funding for this project was provided by the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton Endowment Fund.
  • Funding for the project in Shorecrest, Miami with the Community Health Mapping Initiative is provided by the National Library of Medicine/NIH.
  • Development of the ReACT Tool Kit and the Pilot Projects were funded by EPA Environmental Justice Grant #EQ-00D35415-0 awarded to the Green Sanctuary Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Boca Raton.

Website designed and maintained by Janice T. Booher